
5 Quick and Useful Tips to Write Your PhD Dissertation Proposal

Your PhD dissertation proposal is the first step to getting your doctorate. The proposal is a small aspect of the entire dissertation process but it is definitely a crucial one. This proposal is submitted to the review committee for acceptance and if it gets rejected, you need to start again from scratch, losing out on precious time. Therefore, it is important to have a well-structured and defined research proposal that will give you the much needed green signal.

1. Concentrate on a focused topic

Your topic must not be so broad that you can’t complete it and it shouldn’t be so narrow that you can’t find any information on it. Choose an interesting and workable topic and stick to it while writing the proposal. Don’t drift away from the core topic as a clear focus will be appreciated by the committee.

2. Clarity of thought

The advisors will only get to read your proposal and not talk to you in person. So it must clearly define the topic and explain the reasoning in the most apt and minimalistic words. Think that you have to explain the topic to a group of friends who have no idea about the field and write the proposal accordingly.

3. Understand the guidelines

You must check with your advisor about the different formatting styles and other guidelines required for the dissertation proposal and follow them properly to avoid rejections.

4. Consistency in language

While writing the proposal, ensure that you have a consistency in the quality of words and the language grammar. This will give a smooth flow to your writing and advisors will be impressed with your work.

5. Stick to the topic

It is tempting to drift away from the topic as you find new studies and articles related to the field. However, remember to stick to your chosen topic to make your dissertation writing work easier in the future.

Writing a PhD dissertation proposal requires skill, concentration and knowledge about the topic. With the right objectives, you can definitely ace the proposal and get the go ahead to begin your dissertation!

Ways to Develop a Thesis for Fictional Literature

There will be times when students of literature decide to do their project on fictional books, poems, or short stories. The first thing that they will have to do is to prepare their thesis.

For this they will have to read the piece of literature very closely. They might have to read it more than once to get a complete grasp of the intricacies of the story. Just in case they forget what the main points of the story are, they should keep a book by their side and keep making points as and when they notice something that is of interest to them.

Many authors have something useful to say even in fictional pieces of work. In fact, many fictional short stories and novels derive their inspiration from real life incidents. The students should carefully analyze what the author is trying to say about society. There are often multiple messages in a story. If the researchers were to consider all the messages then it is possible that either they would struggle to develop a proper thesis or their thesis would be too confusing. That is why many students think it is a good idea to focus on just one message or one element of the story and develop the thesis around it.

Once the idea for the thesis has been developed, students should look at whether they have enough evidence to support it. There will be nothing to write in the project if the students do not have anything to support their ideas. If the evidence on hand for the message is not sufficient enough then the students should develop another thesis statement, one that is backed by enough material. Many writers first find the answers then frame a question that will suit the answers. This is an easy way of tackling the project.

Commandments for writing an academic report

Writing does not come naturally to everyone. Some scholars are natural writers; they can easily pen down several pages of research report. While others may take hours to get just a few paragraphs completed. The challenge is greater in case of academic writing because the style is so distinct. There are several rules to be followed, which make it different from casual or creative writing that most students are used to. Here are some guidelines to help scholars who struggle with the documentation part:

Simple writing, high thinking

The review committee is not judging your linguistic skills, unless you are doing a doctorate in literature. They are looking for strong arguments and original insight, and will appreciate if you are able to express the same in simple language. So, don’t go looking for complicated terminology or words that no one understands. Your purpose should be to make the content easily readable.

Another tip for the vocabulary; steer clear of colloquial terms or language that is derogatory for any lingual or ethnic group. The academic report must be serious in its tone.

Technical jargon

While the vocabulary and writing style must be kept succinct, you must not omit any specific jargons or terms that are necessary for the report, especially if you are writing a report on any technical subject. However, remember to define the terms used clearly in footnotes or glossary. Also, the use of such jargon must be limited to the extent needed. Do not overuse such terminology; it will only make your writing complicated.

Sources and references

All your sources must be mentioned in endnotes or bibliography, as required. Plus, in text quotes and other information must be cited using the proper style. Make sure to use the mandated style uniformly throughout the report.

Graphical presentations

Although you do not exactly ‘write’ them, yet tables, graphs, charts and illustrations make a vital part of your report. Include them carefully, placing them along with relevant text. Follow the guidelines for labeling and numbering of all such presentations.

Practice academic writing to get the flair. Writing regularly will certainly help you to draft an impressive report.

Why Proper Language is So Important

Carrying out a research based activity is undoubtedly a very critical task, which each and every researcher across the world has to perform, and a major step towards starting off a research career is to inscribe a research based dissertation. This is the first critical task in the career of each and every researcher across every academic institution in the world. The very process of inscription of a research based dissertation involves a sequence of steps, which have to be followed religiously, and one of the major things to be remembered in this process is to use correct and appropriate grammatical language throughout the dissertation. The language should be scholarly in nature, and at the same time, it should be comprehendible. Most of the senior researchers and academicians focus on this part even more than the other parts of the dissertation. If this is done across the several academic institutions of the world, then there should be some reason behind the same.

While inscribing a dissertation, it always should be remembered that the clarity of thought should be maintained throughout the dissertation, and reflection of this aspects appears in terms of the language used in the dissertation. Depicting a thought by breaking it down in several small sentences may sometimes prove out to be very ineffective, as the readers get disconnected and soon they lose their interests. In spite of breaking a thought down in several small sentences, a researcher should combine more than one thought in a single sentence, so that the readers can easily understand the flow of logic the researcher is adopting, and in this way, the clarity of thoughts is maintained throughout the dissertation. Over the virtual platform, there are several organizations, which offer editorial services to researchers with a view to improving the language of their research documents. For more information about various aspects of language improvement, kindly browse through the pages of www.123dissertationwriters.com.

The value of good feedback

One of the crucial aspects of writing a dissertation is to ask for feedback very early on in the process. A dissertation project is a huge undertaking. It takes a lot of time, resources and effort. The worst mistake that a student can make is to proceed in the wrong direction from the very outset. If the mistake is discovered later on in the process then the student will find that a considerable portion of the project will have to be rewritten. If the mistake is never discovered at all then the project will be finished and it would have been done incorrectly. This would lead to the student losing marks and maybe even losing a year.

That is why it is essential that the student get on the right path from the word go. In order to do this they need to ask for feedback from the right people. If they are making any mistakes on the project, it can be rectified immediately. The advisor will also offer tips that will help them with their work. It is essential to ask for feedback from the right people. It does not help when the person giving the advice is as ignorant as the person asking for advice. Usually senior professors and esteemed scholars in a certain field are the people that one turns to for counsel. These are the people who have travelled on the same path as the student and know exactly what it takes to complete a high quality academic project. Therefore, they are best placed to help him. The tips that they give would also be practical and can be implemented by the student immediately. The value of such feedback cannot be underestimated and the student should take all efforts to keep getting such feedback at regular intervals.

Dissertation – path to higher academic value

Every student is required to do dissertation or thesis paper in order to attain their degree. This is prime requirement which decides grades or ranks of students. No student can surpass this stage unless he prepares and submits it to the college or University, which will determine their position among all other students.

But most of the candidates get overburdened with writing, formatting, collecting data etc. issues. The haphazard schedule and rush to complete the work in time creates certain faults which can’t be rectified easily. Moreover, these faults leave a bad impression on the professors and adversely affect the marks. In such situation people look for a helping hand which could assist them in perfecting their thesis or dissertation.

Benefits of undertaking dissertation services

There are various benefits offered in undertaking dissertation services. They are listed below-:

1. They will accomplish the task of completing dissertation or thesis within deadline. 2. They have dealt with many dissertation or thesis and thus, have gained an expertise in completing thesis or dissertation with perfection. 3. Editing, writing, research design, data collection, interpretation of data, etc. every task related to dissertation or thesis can be handled by these service providers. 4. Any person living in any corner of the world can easily attain these dissertation services with just a click of their mouse.

These services will accomplish the task of dissertation or thesis within time and as per the requirements of the college or University where it is required to be submitted.

Reasons to proofread your dissertation

After the students successfully complete writing their dissertation, one of the biggest problems they face is proofreading their work. If you really want to get fine marks on your thesis or dissertation, then it is essential to make it completely free from all kinds of errors and mistakes. An additional effort of proofreading the paper is required to enhance the quality of your paper. Usually, the students have to follow strict deadlines before which they need to complete their research paper. In order to complete the dissertation or thesis before the given deadline, students tend to do some mistakes that are related to spelling, grammar, vocabulary, terminology etc. Hence, it is very important to proofread your research paper before submitting it. There are a number of reasons for which your dissertation or thesis need to be proofread. Below are some reasons to proofread your research paper –

  • A PhD dissertation is very important piece of writing during your academic life and it needs to be completed with 100% perfection. Your PhD dissertating will help you in building a bright career, as a result of which it needs to be finished with utmost importance and this is possible only by proofreading.
  • You can take help of professional dissertation company like – 123dissertationwriters.com to proofread your dissertation. This dissertation service provider has well qualified editors, who will do this work for you. Moreover, they have a good understanding of the formats, layouts, terminology, citation styles etc and can make your dissertation a master piece.
  • The professors and lecturers of your university also suggest you to proofread your work. Most of the researchers and scholars are aware of the confusions that arise as a result of wrong spelling and grammar. Sometimes it happens that the students write a sentence with one meaning, but, due to grammatical and spelling mistakes its meaning changes. Hence, to avoid unnecessary confusions, one should necessarily proofread their dissertation or thesis before submitting.
  • Proofreading is necessary because, everyone wants their work a final check. To make sure that the work submitted by you is of good quality, it should be made free from different kinds of errors. You can make your work crystal clear by getting it proofread by professional dissertation editing companies.

By knowing the importance of above reasons, one should proofread their dissertation or get it proofread by professional companies to secure good score.