
Online Sources to Get Free Materials for Writing a Better Dissertation

It is inevitable for a PhD or Master’s student to look for free resources while writing a research paper or dissertation. Today’s age is of the Internet that has made information a limitless asset accessible by everyone in this world. Therefore, it is not surprising for the students to seek useful materials online, rather than in the libraries.

One of the most common sources to look for free sample dissertations or research papers is the official Web site of different universities. This is where you may come across some samples written by the former students who have done research in different fields. Such materials act as a template or the basis on which you choose to write your own paper. However, it is not advisable to write the dissertation in the same way because your topic may not be the same and that you are required to submit an original paper.

Another cool option for you is to visit the site of your campus library. Here, you can log in your student account information for accessing scholarly journal articles on writing dissertation in a proper manner. This is where you need to pay attention to the common mistakes revealed by the authors as well as to defending dissertation after completion.

Five blunders to avoid in thesis

While working on thesis, every student wants their research to be the best among others. Writing a thesis for your research is one of the most crucial tasks. While students work on their respective thesis tirelessly; to be this thesis the best they can present in front of others. They make some mistakes, which can ruin their thesis and research.

Some possible blunders are:

  • Choosing a subject: It is most crucial; to choose a subject. The subject has to be clear enough in the student’s mind and thoughts. Something; that he or she can handle very well throughout the research time. Choose a subject, which is not a complex one with wide range to focus on, choose something which can provide you enough leverage to gain a manageable command.
  • Information Overdose: Too much of information can simply kill the interest. Most of the time, students tend to provide large amount of information to make their thesis look outstanding, information, which is not needed or simply does not have a connection or relevance with your subject. Do avoid such things, which can lead to boredom.
  • Going nowhere: While providing the required information; about the research, a student should not get lost. Information provided should be relevant to the research topic. A student must communicate effectively and every sentence and word should be wisely chosen and has to be appropriate and precise.
  • Lack of supervision: Students preparing their thesis should go and consult with the experts on the subject; they should also take help and supervision from someone, who has done some thesis work and research. Experience works like a catalyst, and the valuable inputs and comment can provide your thesis a whole new perspective.
  • Copying or recreating: Copying some stuff from journals, previous research, etc. is totally unacceptable. These can be used as references or to hold your research work, but the actual content a student should be presenting in the research has to be an original content. Never try to reproduce previous works and present them as your own.

It is always better to ask a professional, if you are not comfortable with something. There are professional thesis writing services like www.123dissertationwriters.com that can help right from the first phase of dissertation writing to the last one. You present a thesis with superb perfection and great presentation quality. It creates a good impression on the external examiner helps in getting high scores!


Our Mission Statement

We; at 123dissertationwriters.com aim towards becoming the first choice of research scholars, looking out for reliable yet affordable dissertation writing and editing services. With a high level of control over the entire dissertation writing process, we help you in the timely completion of your dissertation so as to be submitted to the supervisors within the scheduled timeline. We follow an honest pricing policy with the sole aim of reaching maximum number of doctoral students across the globe.

Our mission is segregated into the following:-

  • Gaining worldwide recognition
  • Becoming world-class dissertation writing and editing services firm
  • Adding interest into dissertation writing process
  • Helping research scholars gather excellent scores
  • Delivering projects within the set deadlines
  • Formulating excellent plans for conducting excellent dissertation revision sessions.