
How Professional Statisticians Can Help in Your Research

Conducting a research study is a challenging and complex task at any academic level. While there are multiple activities to be performed, the analysis and interpretation of data can be really tough for many students who are unaware of the right statistical tools and techniques to use. This is where a professional statistician can come to your rescue.

Professional statisticians hold a strong academic and research background in the area of statistics. Thus, they remain updated on all the latest statistical techniques and software tools that are utilized in varied types of research. When you approach a statistician, they not only understand your study in an in-depth manner, but also suggest relevant statistical tests that can be performed to simplify and filter your research data, as well as analyze to turn it into meaningful information.

A statistician checks your research design and sample, along with the type of study you are performing in a specific academic area. Accordingly, they recommend suitable analytical techniques to analyze complex data sets. In addition, they help you in performing the data analysis using the right software package that has been recommended by your academic institution. Although there are several statistical software available, but they make use of the latest software per your requirements.

Professional statisticians have knowledge of almost all such software packages, such as SPSS, SAS, EViews, STATA, etc. They can also help you choose the right package that would suit your qualitative or quantitative study type. For those of you who require guidance on study design and sampling, professional statisticians can also support with such tasks. They may not only help you in choosing apt data collection techniques, but may also assist you in interpreting your findings in various textual and graphical forms. Thus, data processing can be done very efficiently and effectively with the help of a professional statistician.

Tips for an Impressive Presentation of Your Research Findings

It is not just important to analyze your data effectively to arrive at accurate results, but also to present your findings in an impressive manner. Here are some tips that can help you achieve an effective presentation of your data and findings.

Organizing ideas

Develop presentation ideas related to the topics and variables involved in your study. Avoid being too comprehensive, but organize your ideas in a prioritized and logical manner. While organizing your content, you may make use of headings and subheadings. You may also use sidebars to organize it.

Using polished language

Keep your language simple, clear and crisp. It should be directed toward your target readers. You should also ensure to make it linguistically flawless. Remember that a well readable paper can even cover some precision loopholes.

Using right presentation tools

It is critical to choose the right methods and tools to present your findings. Do not remain confined to the use of text and tables. You may make use of several types of graphs and charts too. The graphical representation of your data and findings can make things simple, interesting and comprehensive for readers. You should also use meaningful captions or titles for your tables and graphs. Additionally, take care while presenting information through tables and graphs. See to it that you are not sacrificing the clarity of information by using a specific tool.

Providing details on analytical tools

Ensure to keep a section where you may briefly explain about the tools and techniques used to analyze data. You should also include information about the used data sources. If any confidentiality requirements are imposed by these sources, then make sure to follow them while presenting your findings.

Giving information on quality of findings

You should also provide information on the quality of your results. This can be done by making use of several indicators, such as confidence intervals, standard errors, coefficients of variation, etc.

What Methodology to Use for Nursing Thesis?

Most of the Nursing and Healthcare students and postgraduate scholars and researchers find it complex and confusing while picking the equitable research methodology. While writing a Nursing thesis, one needs to be extra innovative, so that their research can be understood and optimized by the nursing and healthcare professionals, after getting approved by different approval boards.

Choosing the Proposal of the research – It is the first thing that one needs to look after. Before getting into the research work, you must have a proposal – what and why you want to step into this; and how will it benefit the society? You need to submit the same before the university committee, for getting the further nod.

Once you have got the approval, you need to choose the correct research methodology, so that it can be completed on time, without missing out any important factors.

Considering the topic of research, you can pick the right methodology. If you have chosen a topic, which you believe will revolutionize the nursing service techniques; you can do it by meeting people who are involved in the trade. Most researchers, who work for the betterment of services being offered, do the same.

For thesis, scholars, generally, prefer the book style or manuscript style of dissertation writing. In the book style thesis writing, you need to be creative, so that readers find it easy to use, while working. If you are writing the nursing thesis in manuscript style, you should stick up to the traditional writing techniques, along with keeping it innovative and interesting for readers.

How to Avoid Making Linguistic Errors in Your Dissertation

To make a positive first impression of your dissertation on your target readers, it is critical that you avoid making any sort of linguistic and stylistic error in your content. A flawless document is what catches the attention of people and makes the work more readable and presentable. Here, we give you some tips on the way you may avoid making these mistakes within your dissertation draft itself.

Check your writing constantly

Whenever you write a piece of content or a section of your dissertation chapter, make sure to do the grammar and spelling check using a reliable tool. There are many language-checking tools available online. You can make use of these free tools and remove errors based on the suggestions, if any appear within the tool. Similarly, you can use the language checking option within Word or similar software after you type your content. Thus, some basic mistakes are corrected as soon as these are made.

Keep a dictionary

If you are unclear about the meaning of any word or find it strange to use within your text, then it is better to avoid it. Still, you should check its proper use in a dictionary if there are doubts regarding its usage and context. Thus, keep a dictionary handy with you while you write your dissertation chapters.

Own a style manual

Usually, your institution would suggest about using a professional style manual for writing the language in a given style. You could be at huge loss if you do not follow this manual while writing your research documents. It can also lead to serious linguistic style errors. Thus, try to purchase the recommended styleguide to keep a check on your styles.

Read your work aloud

After you complete your writing, make sure that you read each section aloud to yourself. Sometimes, you spot an error in a better way while listening to the content. Make any required correction instantly.