
David regained his confidence to write after repeated rejections. So can you!

Ironically true that the number one way to grow your confidence as a writer is to actually write. Taking action is the only way to improve rather than brooding over doubts. When you complete each project, you find platforms to demonstrate your capability as a writer and improvise. Even if that means many rounds of rejection but there is progression towards improvisation. David, in the process of writing his masters dissertation was made to feel that it wasn’t his cup of tea and he wouldn’t be able to sail through it because every time that he wrote, there was nothing but rejection that he had to face. He found a way to learn from repeated failures and develop his confidence in such a way that success had to follow. When David can do it, there is no reason that you cannot do the same.

In the words of David, the first thing that he learnt is that not being able to write in the first attempt was not going to improve with losing confidence. Confidence does not reflect in writing. What really matter is self efficacy. It is the description of those factors that help you to estimate your own ability. Your ability to act so that you are able to positively effect the change.

The best way in which you can change your beliefs about your own abilities and feel that you can do it is to move away from those beliefs and venture into action. This worked for David as he learnt to continue to act , as in, write despite the fact that beliefs told him he wasn’t going to be good at it. It surprisingly worked for him and this is what is proven by theory that persistence in behaviour can actually change your attitude about yourself, which also includes self efficacy. For David this meant that shift his focus from fears about writing to continuously sitting to write, despite all constraints.

Eventually David was able to draft out his masters thesis to the surprise of his peer and faculty in quality that surpassed all expectation. In the words of David, “ Writing and only writing is the most result orientated cure for lacking the confidence to write. It is definitely the solution, though it isn’t a quick fix but a certain solution”

The real writer is only someone who just writes, irrespective!!

Why You Must Proofread Your Dissertation before Submission

Right from our early school days, we have been taught to review or re-read our answer sheets before submitting it to examiner to avoid silly mistakes that can cause negative marking. This is no doubt a good practice that we must follow whenever we require to submit or print any research paper, journal, essay, email or any kind of written document. A write-up is not complete without proofreading. If you don’t proofread your manuscript before submission or publication and leave it along with the errors, then that could fetch negative impression for you from your readers.

How to Proofread Your Manuscript?

Proofreading is not at all a child’s play; it requires a vigilant eye and a good grip over language and grammar. At the first place, you have to read the write-up several times, slowly and minutely to understand whether it is capably conveying the message or topic you want to put forth. You should check whether the title of the dissertation or the written document matches with the content. At next level, you have to minutely observe whether the paragraphs are in sync with each other and the transition from one paragraph to another is smooth and coherent. If you find any trouble at any point, you may have to rewrite those parts and to conduct further research if required.

After you are done with this part, now you have to concentrate on finding the spelling and grammatical errors. Along with that, don’t forget to check whether the language you have used matches the academic standards and the punctuation of sentences are properly done. Make sure you have followed the prescribed formatting guideline and the sources you have used are relevant and properly mentioned in the bibliography chart.

Remember, your document is incomplete unless until you proofread it and make it error-free. If you find it tedious and time consuming, you can take professional editor’s help as well.

Why Hiring A Statistics Consultant Is A Good Idea?

Doing PhD is not an easy stuff. It involves lot of studies, hard work, patience and dedication. You need to put your best efforts for collecting relevant data, doing data analysis, determining sample size, incorporating methods and software, writing methodology, doing statistical analysis and data interpretation. Completing the dissertation is not possible without guidance. Being a student of doctoral studies, you may often get stuck with problems regarding your research work. Isn’t it a good idea to get assisted by experienced professionals at every step of your dissertation preparation, who can help you to solve your queries and provide appropriate solutions for the same?

It has been observed that a majority of students find difficulty while dealing with the statistical analysis in their methodology chapter. Statistics is a vast syllabus in itself and it is tough for any student to spend a huge amount of time on studying statistics afresh at such a crucial phase of doctoral life. While performing the statistical analysis, a student has to keep in mind about the consistency and uniformity of the test, along with its accuracy, brevity and un-biasedness. Not only this, statistical analysis requires incorporation of different software, which is again a difficult job.

The entire process of dissertation preparation consumes lot of time, so it is a smart idea to get professional help for the statistical part which is again an important and essential part for your PhD paper. If you hire a consultant, he will guide you to resolve all requirements regarding study design and analysis of collected data. The experts are well versed with the application of software like SPSS, SAS, STATA, AMOS, or EViews that are used in doing the complex data analysis. The professionals can also help you in finding appropriate tools and techniques and sampling process. You can get assistance for the textual and graphical interpretation of your data from the professional. In a nutshell, a statistical consultant helps you to complete your dissertation properly and smartly on time.

How to Avoid Making Linguistic Errors in Your Dissertation

To make a positive first impression of your dissertation on your target readers, it is critical that you avoid making any sort of linguistic and stylistic error in your content. A flawless document is what catches the attention of people and makes the work more readable and presentable. Here, we give you some tips on the way you may avoid making these mistakes within your dissertation draft itself.

Check your writing constantly

Whenever you write a piece of content or a section of your dissertation chapter, make sure to do the grammar and spelling check using a reliable tool. There are many language-checking tools available online. You can make use of these free tools and remove errors based on the suggestions, if any appear within the tool. Similarly, you can use the language checking option within Word or similar software after you type your content. Thus, some basic mistakes are corrected as soon as these are made.

Keep a dictionary

If you are unclear about the meaning of any word or find it strange to use within your text, then it is better to avoid it. Still, you should check its proper use in a dictionary if there are doubts regarding its usage and context. Thus, keep a dictionary handy with you while you write your dissertation chapters.

Own a style manual

Usually, your institution would suggest about using a professional style manual for writing the language in a given style. You could be at huge loss if you do not follow this manual while writing your research documents. It can also lead to serious linguistic style errors. Thus, try to purchase the recommended styleguide to keep a check on your styles.

Read your work aloud

After you complete your writing, make sure that you read each section aloud to yourself. Sometimes, you spot an error in a better way while listening to the content. Make any required correction instantly.